Hey Everybody! 2011 is upon us and we have a great schedule of OrCAD PSpice and Microchip PIC Microcontroller Training Classes for you.

Our PSpice workshops are now the only Instructor-Lead Live training classes still available for OrCAD PSpice! The others have gone to on-line classes : (

New for 2011 - PIC Microcontroller training for the Hi-Tech C compiler. In addition to our other PIC classes, you can now learn to program in C.
Hope we will see you there!

Class Location Date
PSpice Workshop Los Angeles, CA Mar. 28-30
PSpice Workshop Indianapolis, IN June 20-22
PSpice Workshop Orlando, FL Dec. 5-7
Advanced PSpice Huntsville, AL April 25-27
Advanced PSpice Phoenix, AZ May 23-25
Advanced PSpice Boston, MA June 18-20
Advanced PSpice Portland, OR Sept. 12-14
The PIC Workshop (for Basic) Chicago, IL Jan. 31- Feb. 1
The PIC Workshop (for Basic) Los Angeles, CA Mar. 31  - Apr. 1
The PIC Workshop (for Basic) Albuquerque, NM Nov. 7-8
The PIC Workshop (for C) Phoenix, AZ May 26-27
The PIC Workshop (for C) Boston, MA July 21-22
The PIC Workshop (for C) San Diego, CA Oct. 10-11
The PIC Workshop (for C) Orlando, FL Dec. 8-9
Advanced PIC Workshop Huntsville, AL April 28-29
Advanced PIC Workshop Indianapolis, IN June 23-24
Visual Basic PIC Workshop Chicago, IL Feb. 2-3
Visual Basic PIC Workshop Portland, OR Sept. 15-16
Visual Basic PIC Workshop Albuqureque, NM Nov. 9-10
Visual Basic PIC Workshop San Diego, CA Oct. 12-14

Visit us at www.RCGResearch.com for more information.

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